Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pay to Play?

The Fish Lake town board has many unwritten “policies.” One includes the arbitrary solicitation of “donations” from developers. More specifically, persons developing land located near town board members’ homes have been required to “donate” an impact fee of $1000 per lot to the township. Developers who refuse to “donate” are subjected to strong-arm tactics. The “donation” is allegedly intended for repairs, improvements and maintenance of township roads adjacent to the corresponding new development. Previously affected developments include Prairie Ponds ($23500), Goose Lake Meadows ($9000) and Pheasant Crest ($30000+).

Township road repairs and improvements were recently completed on 437th Street, the site of the new Andrews Acres development. Although 437th Street was not included in the fiscal 2007 township road maintenance plan, Fish Lake taxpayers have paid a private contractor $7600 for “necessary” repairs and improvements. The total cost to the taxpayers actually exceeded $9000 including gravel and roadbed matting supplied and delivered to the site by the township. Considering Andrews Acres’ close proximity to Fish Lake Township Supervisor Carter's home, why wasn’t its developer required to “donate” $1000 per lot to the township to pay for these timely road repairs and improvements?